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von Karl-Rainer Fabig unter
von Rainer Frentzel-Beyme unter
von Ingrid Scherrmann unter
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Karl-Rainer Fabig Multiple chemical sensitivity seen from physiological and genetic properties of human populations affected by chemical stress Fabig_MCS.pdf
Karl-Rainer Fabig Six measurements of PCDD/PCDF and five measurements of brain function with Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in one individual. A case-study. Fabig_Dioxin.pdf
Dr. Klaus Rhomberg Expert report on total toxic exposure in industrialized countries from the perspective of environmental medicine rhomberg.pdf
Ingrid Scherrmann: Statements, articles, flyers, and a ppt
December 5/2008, Strassbourg, European Council: Conference on Environment and Health: Indoor Pollution and Multi System Illnesses
Statement It is necessary to take action - statement in English: Strassburg_English.pdf
From: (link geht nicht mehr)
Ms Ingrid SCHERRMANN, « Safer World », International Independent Internet Information Network, Germany, said that she had ten demands to present to policy-makers. Firstly, they should keep an open mind to all the knowledge available on the effects of toxic products, with the aim of drawing up appropriate legislation. Political action should be based on the knowledge of experts who were independent of industry. And the political world should understand that the protection of the environment went hand in hand with the protection of human beings. That was one of its key tasks. Political action should be cross-cutting, and the various ministries should work together to ensure that expertise in every field was taken into account. More funds needed to be invested in combating the use of toxic products and developing independent research. High-profile systematic toxic product databases should be set up. Moreover, a threshold-based policy was no longer enough: a risk assessment should be based on an analysis of the products, not just individually, but also in combination, and the law should be adapted to that new requirement. Policy-makers should promote transparency and inform their fellow citizens about known risks to health. They should not play down the health hazards from certain products or suggest that diseases were psychiatric. Political guidelines were needed to prevent any reduction in the level of knowledge of diseases caused by toxic products. Finally, the political world should seek the broadest possible consensus and urge the medical world and society as a whole to shift away from medicine that focused on treatment to one that emphasised prevention, especially primary prevention.
statement in English: Strassburg_English.pdf
November 2008
Pollution-Induced Diseases (PID): Challenges for Patients, Health Professionals, Politicians und the Society
ppt (translated in English): pid.pdf, original in German: SIK.pdf
Wrong conclusions drawn from biased valuations made in the assessment of MCS, only in German;
original: Falsche Schlussfolgerungen durch einseitige Bewertung der Evidenz bei der Beurteilung von MCS. umg 22004-scherrmann1.pdf
(published in the Journal "Environment-Medicine-Society" and in the book: "Umwelt-Macht-Medizin" - Zur Würdigung des Lebenswerks von Karl-Rainer Fabig.2005 )
Environmental Research: Quo Vadis?
original: Umweltmedizinische Forschung: Wie weiter? Fachgespräch zu MCS im Umweltbundesamt (German Governmental Environment Agency) am 4. September 2003 Organisation und Durchführung: Umweltbundesamt und Robert-Koch-Institut In umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft | 16| 2/2004 und unter umg 12004-scherrmann1.pdf
Life with Chemical Sensitivity original: Leben mit Chemikalienunvertraeglichkeit. In Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 13. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 2/2000 under leben.pdf
(published in the Journal "Environment-Medicine-Society", Ausgabe 2/2000 under leben.pdf
Poster: You perfume - my poison perfume_analyses.pdf
Where Remains The Logic? logic.pdf
Intoxications Secondary Diseases and Ensuing Costs costs_of_intoxication.pdf
I am a Phoenix phoenix.pdf